Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
This may look like the face of an angel, but here's what lies inside...

Remember Slimer from Ghostbusters? Well, he's got nothing on Emma. Never pick her up without adequate protection because this is what will happen:
But we love it anyway!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
New Talents
Now that I'm back to work, I haven't had a lot of time to blog. Unfortunately, I'll only be posting a blog on the weekends. Here's a few of the talents that Emma has discovered over the week.
She has started noticing her feet and has begun pulling them toward her mouth. No toe-eating yet, but it makes diaper changing a little easier!
This morning, we sat her up and she actually stayed. She had to lean forward quite a bit, but she was getting the hang of it!
Later in the afternoon, she was sitting up even straighter! She's almost there!
Her drumming technique, however, seems to be lacking.
Stay tuned for next week's new adventures!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mmm, Mmm, Good!
Emma had her first taste of "real" food today. We're starting her out on vegetables so that she doesn't get used to the sweet fruits. We thought that carrots were a good choice. We knew this was going to be a messy endeavor, but WOW! We obviously weren't moving fast enough and Emma began shoving the food into her mouth herself. She also started to get mad when we took the time to put more food on the spoon.
The first taste
I like it!
More please!
She actually did manage to get some in her mouth!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Four Month Checkup
Emma's checkup went well, but we're glad they're over. Emma gained 20 ounces and grew an inch. She's 13 lbs. 6 oz. and is 23 1/2 inches. She did well for the doctor and he says everything is perfect.
This is the last weekend before I start back to work. I'll be looking forward to weekends and holidays. My little girl is getting so big so quickly. I can't wait to come home to this smiling face every afternoon!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Thursdays are Fun!
Emma had a play date today with her old friend, Eli. These two have met before, but only in passing and once in the womb. Eli and his mom came over to play and then we all went out to lunch. Eli was a little shy about meeting "the older woman."
The future Mr. and Mrs. Tunnell???
I think she came on a little strong.
His face says it all here. "Um, Mom? Can you get me out of here please?"
After dinner, Andy took out his guitar and let Emma play a tune for us. She is definitely interested in music!
Emma has her four month checkup tomorrow where she will have the second round of her immunizations. It's hard on all of us, so we thought that we would have a few laughs tonight. If you have never used the program Photo Booth, you need to ASAP. It takes your picture with a webcam, but you can choose to distort your faces (think fun house mirror). Here are a few shots that had us laughing until we cried. Literally.

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