This will be our first holiday with two children and boy, I am excited!!! I have been waiting to start these memories my whole life.
It's hard to believe that this will be Emma's third Easter. She celebrated her first when she was just 3 days old. Here's a little trip down memory lane:
Easter 2009

Now onto 5?F! If you would like to participate in Five Question Friday (5?F), please head on over to Mama M's and link up. If you are new to our blog, I'd love to hear from you! If you're not new but are a lurker (i.e. Mom!), I'd love to hear from you too!
1. What is your favorite Easter tradition?
We don't have too many Easter traditions, but now that we have kids, our new favorites are coloring eggs and having Easter egg hunts. My husband's family has a tradition of hiding the Easter baskets and having the kids find them Easter morning which he is excited to do.
2. Are you a "shower" or a "long, hot bath" kind of person?
As of right now, I'm a shower-as-fast-as-you-can-before-the-baby-freaks-out type of person. But normally, I am a regular shower person. Baths are great, and I enjoy them occasionally, but I honestly get a little bored after 5 minutes. I wish I could sit in them for hours; listening to relaxing music, sipping wine, all by candlelight...nope. No time.
3. Can you parallel park and if so when is the last time you did it?
After relentless hours of practice in a parking lot with my dad, you bet your butt I can. I haven't done it since college, but I'm sure I could still do it if I had too.
4. What is your favorite Easter candy?
For the family members that are reading this, they are most likely thinking "chocolate bunnies" and having a good laugh (it's an inside joke; I am known as the Chocolate Bandit. And the Bacon Bandit. But that's another story.) Chocolate bunnies aside, I would have to say that my favorites are marshmallow eggs and Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. Mmmm...
5. Easter: do you go all out with the Easter Bunny or focus on the religious part of the holiday?
A little bit of both; our kids are 2 years and 2 months. At Christmas we tried teaching Emma about Jesus' birthday. She looked at us very seriously, with wide eyes, and then proceeded to drop the baby Jesus from her manger set into her Busy Ball Popper.
We'll continue trying but it's still a little over their heads.
Easter will be just like Christmas in this house; we will be sure to teach them the importance of the day and let them go crazy with candy and eggs.
Happy Easter everyone!
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