Weight: 22 pounds 6 ounces
Height: 32 1/4 inches
She is likely to:
- speak in short sentences (yup)
- point and/or label common things in picture books (sure does)
- know first name when asked (she can, but only when she feels like it)
- kick a ball (check)
- respond to simple requests (um...)
- have temper tantrums at times (HELLO?!?)
Weight: 11 pounds even
Height: 22 3/8 inches
She is likely to:
- coo and smile (YES!)
- hold a rattle (yup)
- Show pleasure interacting with parents and caregivers (yes, until they poke her with needles)
I'll spare you the after pictures (I wasn't cruel enough to take any anyway) but I'll share a few taken during our wait.
Thankfully the tears are over and we're resting at home. Emma is cuddled on the couch and as a special treat, she gets to watch however much TV she wants. Thank goodness for Disney On Demand. Sophia's special treat is that she gets to nap while being held by Mommy instead of in her crib.
My girls have simple requests and on shot days, I'm happy to oblige.
1 sweet somethings said:
Trynam, awwwwww! The kids are so adorable! I totally would know how they'd feel! Hahaha!
By the way, loving her gown! Didn't even know they provided such thing! FAbulous!
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