Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chicago Anniversary Trip Day 1- Sightseeing on the Magnificent Mile

Last week, Andy and I took advantage of my Fall Break from school to take an anniversary trip to Chicago.  I was a little apprehensive about taking another trip without kids, since the last one was kind of a bust. When I was pregnant with Sophia, we took a trip to Baltimore, and it didn't work out well. It was my first time to really be away from Emma and my pregnancy hormones reminded me of that fact every single second.

This time around, I was determined that even though Andy and I would miss the kids, we would enjoy our time together. I'm so glad we went, because Chicago is an amazing city. It was the first visit for both of us and we were really excited to explore together.

Our first day was spent getting acquainted with the city and touring the Magnificent Mile. Our hotel was right in the heart of downtown and we were able to walk everywhere on the first day. I have been to lots of big cities, and I have to say, Chicago is one of the most beautiful that I have seen. There is so much history and the buildings are gorgeous, both old and new. They also have beautiful landscaping throughout the city. I loved walking through this huge metropolis and then stumbling upon a beautiful garden.

Ok, enough are the pictures from our first day. Be warned; there's a lot of them!

The view from our hotel room.

Lego Land

From the top of The Water Tower Mall

The John Hancock Building

The view from the John Hancock Observatory.

Out hotel is the red building with the rounded top on the top right side of this photo.

Tomorrow's post will be from our bus tour and our trip to The Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hang In There!

See this?

This is my sad, old laptop. It has worked hard for me over the years. Six, to be exact. Which is about 538 in computer years.

This tired Mac just doesn't want to blog anymore. It can't download any pictures, it thinks about following a command for about 30 minutes and then usually decides to go to sleep instead. I have so many pictures on my camera that I can't download and it has been driving me crazy! There's so much I want to tell you about: our trip to Chicago, playing, blowing bubbles, camping in the backyard...I have this incessant need to share.

We have plans to buy a new computer soon. But for now, I have to settle for life via Instagram. Here's what we've been up to in a nutshell:
Hang in there! We'll be back soon!