Monday, August 9, 2010

The Kissing Hand

Tomorrow is my first day back to work after two and half months of being a "stay at home mom." It's always difficult to return to work after summer break, but since I've become a mom, that difficulty has been multiplied by 1,000. Last year it was difficult to leave my little four month old that was so helpless and new. This year, it's difficult to leave my spirited, loving, little girl.

I've started the last two years by saying goodbye to the summer and reading The Kissing Hand. If you haven't read it, do yourself a favor and read it today. If you are a parent that has had to say goodbye to your child for some reason or another, it will definitely tug at your heart strings. Here's a short summary: Chester Raccoon is starting school and pleads with his mother to let him stay home. After encouraging her son that school will be a wonderful new experience, she shares the secret of The Kissing Hand. Mother Raccoon kisses Chester's palm and explains that anytime he feels lonely all he needs to do is open his Kissing Hand and he will feel his mother's love. Just before Chester runs off to school, he turns to his mother and asks for her hand. He then kisses her palm and tells her that if she gets lonely, she can open her hand and feel his love.

Crying yet? I can't get through this book without crying. Needless to say, Emma and I share Kissing Hands to help us get through the year. When I've had a long, hard day, I can open up my hand and feel the love from my sweet little one. So long summer, and thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to be home for even a little while.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Countdown to School: T minus 3 Days

We decided that since this is our last weekend before I go back to school that we would just have it be about us. Today we had such a relaxing day and had so much fun together.

This morning we woke up (semi) late and took Emma to the splash pad. It was so nice because it wasn't as hot today as it has been. Emma's teeth were actually chattering at one point! When we got home all three of us took a VERY long nap (Emma napped for three hours!). When she woke up she was still a little groggy so we snuggled up in our bed and watched Lady and the Tramp. She loved seeing the dogs and kept pointing at the screen saying "Woo woo! (Woof woof)" We did a little shopping and came home to have a bubble bath. Before bed, Emma learned a new skill: drinking through a straw. She's so proud that she can do it and claps each time she drinks.

Whew! Writing this makes me think we had a busy day, but I can't believe how relaxed I feel. It's just what I need before I gear up for another busy school year!
Getting sunscreen in her hair and doing her Nick Nolte impression

Such a poser!
Hooray for bubble baths!

We ♥ the Roberts Family

We are so lucky to have our friends Brad, Amber, and their son Matthew in our lives. Emma and Matthew are six months apart and Emma has loved Matthew since the day he was born. She says "Matthew" (Mau-Mau) more than she says Mama or Dada! Now that Matthew is mobile, Emma has even more fun with him that she did before. Unfortunately for Matthew, Emma is still faster and the poor guy does not get a moment's peace. It has been such a blessing to see the two of them grow and change together and I hope they grow up to be lifetime friends.

Hugs for Matthew
Learning to walk is must need a back rub.

Making music on the air conditioning grate
Stealing more hugs from Matthew
Working together
Winding down with a story

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fancy Pants

Emma is very much a girly-girl and so today I bought her her first dress up item. After dinner we put on her tutu and let her play around in it. She decided that she needed to wear it to watch Sesame Street too.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Graydon is Getting Bigger!

Our friends Jennifer and Graydon came over to visit before Jennifer and I have to go back to work in a couple of weeks. It's amazing how much Graydon has changed since the last time he came to visit. He's getting so big!
He's such a happy little guy!

Emma loved having her friend come over for a visit.