Monday, June 24, 2013

Myrtle Beach-Day 3

On our third and final full day, we spent the morning at the water park and the beach.  After we had been at the beach for a while, Emma said she was getting hungry and so we packed up and got ready to leave. As we were walking back from the water I noticed a little girl on the beach that looked familiar. It turns out that it was one of Emma's friends from her dance class who was vacationing with her family.

Emma was so excited to run into her friend that she forgot that she had said she was hungry.  The girls played for a while longer and had a great time together.

That night, we decided to go to Broadway at the Beach, which is a shopping center of sorts that also has restaurants, rides, and other attractions. The girls loved shopping and walking around, seeing all of the people and lights. We had diner at a pirate themed restaurant, which thrilled the girls!

Andy wanted to take the girls to MagiQuest, which I had never heard of.  I was a little skeptical about the girl's being able to participate, but it turned out to be lots of fun. The girls loved using their magic wands to go on quests solve puzzles.

When we got back we took the girls onto the beach to see the moon over the water and to try to catch the fireworks. We didn't see the fireworks but we did get to see someone send off a paper lantern, which made the girls think of Rapunzel.

It was a great way to end a wonderful trip with our family!

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