Friday, July 13, 2012

A Week in the Life - Friday

I can't believe that it's Friday already! I woke up at 6:30 and got in the shower before Andy left. If I don't shower then, I won't get a chance until nap time at 2:00. Andy left for work at 6:45 and Sophia woke up shortly after. She and I played downstairs and waited for Emma to wake up so we could eat breakfast.
This is her "I don't want to" look. I get this a lot.

We ended up waiting a long time because Emma slept until 9:00. She has never slept that late! I don't know how long she would have slept because I had to wake her up to get ready to leave. After breakfast, the girls and I got dressed and waited for Mimi to pick Emma up for their special day together. After Emma left, Sophia and I went to Target to pick up some things. I swear, we practically live at Target.  While we were there, I found these little beauties. I texted a picture to Andy because he loves chocolate mint. He asked me to buy them all. I settled for two. :)

Sophia and I went home after our outing to have lunch and read some new books we got while we were out.  Sophia started getting pretty tired so I put her down for her nap and took one myself. I woke up because it started pouring outside and it was loud. I went out to take a look and saw that it wasn't just pouring, but was also completely sunny.

While I waited for Sophia to wake up, I made a cake for dessert. Sophia woke up and had a snack and insisted that Rosie have her own snack.  Andy came home soon after and she was so happy to see him and show him the new books we got. The three of us played and waited for Emma to come home. It started raining again and Emma was pretty excited to get to use her umbrella to walk up from Mimi's car.

We visited with Mimi for a bit and then Emma helped me finish up the cake. We were making her great-grandmother's Strawberry Pop Cake. She loves to help me in the kitchen and asks a million questions about what we're going to do next. Of course, everyone's favorite part is the taste test.

Cool Whip!
After dinner and dessert the girls had a bath and got ready for bed. Before their stories, Andy brought out his guitar and played them a song and also let them try playing. They both went to sleep without any fuss and Andy and I are going to spend the rest of the evening watching a movie.

Tomorrow we're planning on taking the girls to the Discovery Center and we've never been, so I'm pretty excited!

0 sweet somethings said: