Monday, July 9, 2012

A Week in the Life - Monday

I've really been looking forward to doing this series again, mostly because I want to document our lives, but also because it gives me a chance to compare how much the girls have changed since last summer.

Today was a pretty low key day for a Monday! The girls "slept in" until 7:00. Since their usual wake up time is 6:30, I was pretty happy with the extra half hour. The girls watched Micky Mouse Clubhouse while I made breakfast. This is the usual view I get while I'm cooking.  I have a pretty impatient audience!
While the girls ate, I finished up a batch of meatballs I was making for a get together I had this afternoon.  The girls took quite a bit of time eating, so I was able to cook, clean, and eat my own breakfast. After breakfast, I got the girls dressed and ready and then they played in Emma's room while I got myself ready. While I was getting dressed, the tree service showed up to grind out the stump of a tree we lost last week in the storm. Here was our poor tree that we came home to on Friday.

My mom got to our house around 9:00 to watch the girls while I went to a meeting to plan for the upcoming year.  We met out at my friend Lauri's house which is gorgeous! She has a beautiful farm, complete with a barn and horses. It's always fun to see what new animals she has! It was so great to see my sweet teacher friends and eat and gab with one another. We had a great time and we got the opportunity to meet one of our newest teachers. It was a lot of fun.

When I got home at 3:00, Sophia was napping and Emma was playing in her room. I caught up on a few of my shows until Sophia woke up at 3:45. I gave the girls a snack and we relaxed until Andy got home. It's been so hot that we didn't even attempt to go outside!

We had been planning on going to the pool after dinner, but there were thunderstorms popping up all over so we didn't chance it.  We stayed home and enjoyed brownies instead. That's a pretty good trade off!

After their treat, Andy gave the girls a bath while I got their clothes ready for tomorrow. When Emma doesn't nap, she gets an early bedtime so both girls were off to bed at 7:30.  Now Andy and I are getting ready to watch The Closer and then head off to bed ourselves.

If you're writing about a day in your life, please let me know so I can take a peek! ;)

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